A True Prison Story Part I

Sep 21, 2004
When you get locked up in the big house for the first time you never forget it….and my day came in November of 2002. Never forgot it…was flying in Monday night to <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City><st1:place>Miami</st1:place></st1:City> Int’l…the Eagles were playing the Niners that nite and were 7.5 point dogs (McNabb was out). The plane landed at <st1:time Hour="8" Minute="50">8:50</st1:time> and my room was waiting for me at the Marriot in the Airport. Never made it to the room, or through immigration for that matter. I’ll never forget Tiny as he was referred to by all of the inmates……looked exactly like Shaq…..but bigger….I do know one thing that he was the nephew of Charles Barkley, or so he claimed. Tiny was in charge of serving the food from the kitchen each day. My first Sunday was a day that will live in infamy for me. It was about six in the morning and Tiny handed my breakfast tray to me….which had an extra apple on it. I said “what’s this.” He told me that we were going to be bros and that I should enjoy the extra apple. I later learned that when someone gives you their dessert, bread, or fruit it is a sign of friendship. I thought it might not be a bad idea to be a friend of Tiny. About two hours later Tiny told me to meet him in his cell in five minutes. I thought this is the end of my world as I know it…I’m about to be sodomized by a guy that looks like Shaq with size 22 sneakers. I thought what do I do now…get Vaseline from someone….or shove a sock up my rectum? I was somewhat relieved when I entered his cell and he said to me why do you look so white….whitey? I was relieved when he told me to sit down and he handed me a small piece of paper. It had all of the matchups for the NFL for that day on it…with some really strange lines. He said to me, “I heard you’re the man’. I said, “What does that mean” ….he said come on man….we’re bros. I found out that in prison there is no need to tell anyone what you did in life, or who you were, or what you did to get there…they know it all…..the inmates have a better rap sheet on you than the FBI. He told me to pick all of the winners for him so he could play it with the prison bookie. I told him that these lines were not even close…he told me not to sweat it, and get it done….in 15 minutes! The pressure was on…..what if I messed up…what if I had my worst day….what would the consequences be……?

I’m off to the beach this weekend for some R&R…be returning on Monday for the conclusion (Part II) and you guys can tear into all of this while I’m away…..Have fun!

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
Millennium Sportsbook * said:
When you get locked up in the big house for the first time you never forget it….and my day came in November of 2002. Never forgot it…was flying in Monday night to <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City><st1:place>Miami</st1:place></st1:City> Int’l…the Eagles were playing the Niners that nite and were 7.5 point dogs (McNabb was out). The plane landed at <st1:time Minute="50" Hour="8">8:50</st1:time> and my room was waiting for me at the Marriot in the Airport. Never made it to the room, or through immigration for that matter. I’ll never forget Tiny as he was referred to by all of the inmates……looked exactly like Shaq…..but bigger….I do know one thing that he was the nephew of Charles Barkley, or so he claimed. Tiny was in charge of serving the food from the kitchen each day. My first Sunday was a day that will live in infamy for me. It was about six in the morning and Tiny handed my breakfast tray to me….which had an extra apple on it. I said “what’s this.” He told me that we were going to be bros and that I should enjoy the extra apple. I later learned that when someone gives you their dessert, bread, or fruit it is a sign of friendship. I thought it might not be a bad idea to be a friend of Tiny. About two hours later Tiny told me to meet him in his cell in five minutes. I thought this is the end of my world as I know it…I’m about to be sodomized by a guy that looks like Shaq with size 22 sneakers. I thought what do I do now…get Vaseline from someone….or shove a sock up my rectum? I was somewhat relieved when I entered his cell and he said to me why do you look so white….whitey? I was relieved when he told me to sit down and he handed me a small piece of paper. It had all of the matchups for the NFL for that day on it…with some really strange lines. He said to me, “I heard you’re the man’. I said, “What does that mean” ….he said come on man….we’re bros. I found out that in prison there is no need to tell anyone what you did in life, or who you were, or what you did to get there…they know it all…..the inmates have a better rap sheet on you than the FBI. He told me to pick all of the winners for him so he could play it with the prison bookie. I told him that these lines were not even close…he told me not to sweat it, and get it done….in 15 minutes! The pressure was on…..what if I messed up…what if I had my worst day….what would the consequences be……?

I’m off to the beach this weekend for some R&R…be returning on Monday for the conclusion (Part II) and you guys can tear into all of this while I’m away…..Have
why were you arrested????

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
im handicapping tomorrows baseball games. that should be a crime cuz i suck.lol.thats why i follow bucsfan and choptalk and a few others. but doing this on my own is important. so far riveting story:103631605 . i look forward to the rest.
Sep 21, 2004
roxygurl said:
im handicapping tomorrows baseball games. that should be a crime cuz i suck.lol.thats why i follow bucsfan and choptalk and a few others. but doing this on my own is important. so far riveting story:103631605 . i look forward to the rest.

Monday....and the ending is better than my earthquake story...promise!

New member
Jun 21, 2004
riveting story so far.....Did you give Tiny your "lock of the year or the rest of the season is free"?


Mar 20, 2001
odds milsports went 0 for the board and got raped....

0 for -150
winning day +130

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
When I went to see Jay Cohen at Nellis it was quite an experience - and i was only there visiting him for about 4-ish hours. That was a few years ago and i will NEVER forget it - and i can only imagine the hell Jay went thru there everyday - and keep in mind this was below a minimum security prison as is.
Sep 21, 2004
winkyduck said:
When I went to see Jay Cohen at Nellis it was quite an experience - and i was only there visiting him for about 4-ish hours. That was a few years ago and i will NEVER forget it - and i can only imagine the hell Jay went thru there everyday - and keep in mind this was below a minimum security prison as is.

This was NOT minimum or low security...the FDC in Miami restricts you to one floor (it has 10), you never see the sun, and everywhere is a LOCKED door in front of you....not much fun! But you do have two TV's to watch the football games in the mess area.
Sep 21, 2004
I will start off by saying, I have never been to the "Detention Center" in Miami, but I have a friend of mine that was there for 3 days and his only cocern was which guy he was going to play handball with. I do not understand why people want to make Federal time out as being so harsh. Outside of losing your rights and being away from friends and family, it is not that tough. Your chances of being raped or having problems w/ anyone are no higher than if you were just at a local bar. I feel sorry for you and I never want to set foot in another Federal courthouse, but stop over stating everything and trying to make everyone believe you where in a place like "OZ".

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
aceduecetrey said:
I will start off by saying, I have never been to the "Detention Center" in Miami, but I have a friend of mine that was there for 3 days and his only cocern was which guy he was going to play handball with. I do not understand why people want to make Federal time out as being so harsh. Outside of losing your rights and being away from friends and family, it is not that tough. Your chances of being raped or having problems w/ anyone are no higher than if you were just at a local bar. I feel sorry for you and I never want to set foot in another Federal courthouse, but stop over stating everything and trying to make everyone believe you where in a place like "OZ".

I don't want to find out, but everything I've ever heard suggests male rape is the norm in prison. I'd rather die than go to prison from what I've heard about it.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Interesting story so far, but it sounds pretty farfetched and has one big flaw. You don't get arrested and go strait to a FDC. Just doesn't happen. You would go straight to Jail not a prison or FDC. Feds need time to process you and that takes a mininum of 2 months. Chuck your right on your believes, I'm tired of this Dude on this forum, he needs to go

New member
Nov 21, 2002
aceduecetrey said:
I will start off by saying, I have never been to the "Detention Center" in Miami, but I have a friend of mine that was there for 3 days and his only cocern was which guy he was going to play handball with. I do not understand why people want to make Federal time out as being so harsh. Outside of losing your rights and being away from friends and family, it is not that tough. Your chances of being raped or having problems w/ anyone are no higher than if you were just at a local bar. I feel sorry for you and I never want to set foot in another Federal courthouse, but stop over stating everything and trying to make everyone believe you where in a place like "OZ".

Thats bs. That is simply not the case anymore. Years ago it was probably like that but as laws change,especially drug laws,so do the types of people that go to fed prison. I know a couple people who have been away.One twice and he says it is much different than years ago and he's talking about minimum security places even the camps they have. Fed pen may not be as bad as state pen but saying it is not that tough is overboard.

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
guys im spliting the insults and moving them to the Rubber room...please feel free to flame this thread there its under the same title in the RR now..


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Detention centers are rough, its a holding place until you get designated for you destination whether its a camp or a max

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Mill...what ever you did you deserved it. BEing a con-artist and stealing people's money like your and your buddy do at mill and nasa. If you didn't get raped you should have.

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